KOKU provides Primary Care Networks, NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and Care Homes with a range of critical benefits:
- Reduce hospital admissions, ambulance call out, hip fracture surgery & A&E assessments and associated social care
- Scalable at population level due to low costs; eliminating waiting lists for clinicians.
- Measure impact via simple, clear analytics dashboards for adherence, progress, falls and related injuries.
- Data access offers opportunity for joined-up, sustained action between national and local government, the NHS
Return on investment: Falls Prevention
Cost comparisons with alternative methods for falls prevention show that KOKU provides significant value for money.
Tangible upfront savings – no transport or staff face to face delivery of exercise costs – mean that health budgets can be used more efficiently. Our analysis shows that for every £1 spent on KOKU there is a £5.78 financial return and £12.81 societal return.
Contact us to find out how what impact this could have on your aging population.
Public Health England ROI Tool
Otago = Otago Exercise Programme
FaME = Falls Management Exercise
Tai Chi = Tai Chi class
HAM = Home Assessment & modification
KOKU = KOKU Programme (includes tablet)
KOKU Financial ROI - Benefits to cost ratio £5.78 : £1.00 (i.e. for every £1 spent, a £5.78 return)
KOKU Societal ROI - Benefits to cost ratio £12.81 : £1.00

Why were you interested in using KOKU?
During the Covid pandemic and the lockdowns in 2020 we were only able to do doorstep visits to set eyes on our vulnerable elderly clients. Whilst doing these we were surprised by just how frail they had become with the loneliness and lack of activity. They were now using walking aids whereas in the past they were not needed and couldn’t stand for long so were having to perch on furniture in order to chat on the doorstep. Similarly they lacked confidence in venturing back out into society, not just because of the virus but because of their frailty too.
What do you think are the key benefits to users?
- Improved balance, posture and mobility through the exercises
- Introduction to technology for most of our clients who have never used IPad and the like
- Something to be motivated with, a scheduled task a few days a week doing the exercises and spurred on by their mentor supporting them with the app
- Improved cognition and memory whilst having a little fun doing the mind exercises
- Feeling part of something, feeling involved in a group activity
- Some have said that they like the idea that they are doing something to help the NHS by being a part of a pilot programme trialling this NHS approved app

What do you think are the key benefits for service providers?
- KOKU encouraged us to research the level of knowledge and engagement with technology that our clients have, giving us a further insight into their level of isolation under the newly evolved “online society”
- It helped us to explore the impact of shielding on the wellbeing of our clients
- It has given us a means to help motivate our clients towards taking steps to make some positive changes to their level of mobility, confidence and skill building
- Its has provided an additional opportunity to seek funding for technology appliances that will help encourage this generation to become digitally included
I think you have an amazing programme, we have been proud to be able to use it and recommend it.